from the Cook family

Josh Portrait
Leah Portrait
Benjamin Portrait
Samuel Portrait

We Made You Something!

Way better than a card, right?

Homemade gifts are awesome, but we don't know how to make marmalade or terrariums. We do, however, know how to make websites, good-looking kids and Elvis cover videos.

Christmas Videos

Christmas Morning Video Thumbnail

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning Video Thumbnail

Benjamin's First Drums

Christmas Morning Video Thumbnail

Jingle Bells

The Boys with Santa

Benjamin was not impressed with Santa this year. He was excited all the way to the mall, and even once we saw Santa and walked through the line, but he clammed up once he sat on Santa’s lap. He didn't cry, but he wouldn't smile or talk to Santa. For what it's worth, Santa said that he sees thousands of two-year-olds every year and almost all of them cry, so Ben showing us his McKayla Maroney face is not so terrible.

Samuel met Santa the first time, and was a champ. He also didn't ask Santa for anything.

Blue Christmas

Here's the deal: my mom gave Ben a ukulele and I stole it. Now I sit around the house playing Christmas songs all day, and I finally talked Leah, the real singer in the family, into singing with me. Also, you're not prepared for the bridge.

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